Child pornography A cleric sentenced to five years in prison

Child pornography: A cleric sentenced to five years in prison after creating an obscene PowerPoint

A retired Missouri priest has been sentenced to five years in prison after a PowerPoint presentation containing thousands of child pornographic images was discovered.

According to BuzzFeed News, 72-year-old James T. Beighlie’s computer contained 6,000 photos showing various cases of child sexual abuse. 239 images and 40 videos were found on another device.

Authorities said the PowerPoint has been updated more than 200 times since 2008.

The priest’s criminal activities were exposed in 2021 when his colleagues found “compromising photos” on the church printer.

In October 2022, James T. Beighlie pleaded guilty to both counts against him.

In addition to his prison sentence, the cleric must pay $4,750 to victims featured in his collection. He also has to pay $22,000 to help other child crime victims.