Children’s rights experts at climate conference: Comprehensive climate protection has been constitutional law since 2011

Vienna (OTS/RK) – In Austria, children’s rights have constitutional status. Since 2011, the right to protection and care, to the best possible development and development, as well as to consideration of the interests of children and young people in the sense of intergenerational justice, have been enshrined there. The new explanation from the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is clear: we must interpret all these rights in light of the climate crisis.

Experts on children’s rights and climate protection of all ages agreed at the conference “Children’s rights as an opportunity and mission in climate protection”, which took place on November 21, 2023 at the Folklore Museum in Vienna: political decision-makers are obliged by the Austrian Constitution to protect children and help them achieve their right to a healthy environment. Effective law enforcement is your responsibility. This was confirmed by General Comment No. 26 “Children’s Rights and the Environment, with a Special Focus on Climate Change” of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (GC 26, for short).

Act now!

The time has come to take decisive action on climate protection. This can be seen in all countries, in many broad alliances, international activities and many positive developments. GC 26 makes clear what obligations States have towards young people and the future, as do the UN Maastricht Principles on the rights of future generations. The responsibility of governments is clear: they must ensure that these rights are respected and implemented at national and international level.

Obligations of decision makers in Austria

Specifically, based on existing laws, this means in particular:

  • Counterproductive climate taxes and subsidies are contrary to children’s rights and must be abolished.
  • When designing a budget, children’s needs should be fully taken into account.
  • Obligations regarding child rights impact assessment and child rights-friendly budgeting must be met.
  • Each government proposal must be checked for its impact, including with regard to children’s ecological rights (impact-oriented impact assessment on children and young people).
  • Climate protection measures should be monitored for effectiveness (e.g. Climate Audit Office).

Strong together: children, young people and adults

The conference, organized by children’s rights and climate protection organizations and open to all age groups, brought together 150 experts, decision-makers, activists and stakeholders of all ages. She also made it clear once again that exchange and mutual learning can be successful across generations and work foci and is immensely valuable for everyone involved. The children and young people showed their great commitment, their creativity, their courage, their resistance and their ability to accept even discomfort. Through their example, they encouraged people to think and act. At the same time, everyone benefited from the goal of allowing all participants to actively participate. In addition to the selection of speakers from all age groups, a comprehensive participation concept also contributed to this.

Child Rights Network press release on the conference (including list of demands): United Nations Climate Conference: Child rights experts call on Austrian government to finally implement applicable constitutional law | Child Rights Network, November 28, 2023 (

Graphic recording of the conference:

Graphic recording: Climate protection for and with children: Expert conference pushes for enforcement of children’s rights – KJA Vienna (

The conference “Children’s Rights as an Opportunity and Mission in Climate Protection” was held with the financial support of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and in cooperation with the Vienna Folklore Museum.

Questions and contact:

Mag.a Ines Garnitschnig | Wizard Sebastian Öhner
[email protected]