Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Chilean communists call to deepen the fight against insecurity

At the CCP's usual press conference on January 1, the leader expressed this community's solidarity and support to the families of the victims of the recent serious violence, which even left two teenagers dead.

Carmona called on organized communities to contribute to the fight against new forms of organized crime that are impacting society.

Accompanied by the party leadership, Carmona expressed his willingness to do everything he can to do justice to these cases “that affect the masses, our population, our people, our boys and girls.”

When asked by Prensa Latina about the current government's security policy and its direction for the immediate future, he first pointed out that there has never been a political time like the current one, when there are so many laws and regulations on this issue have been approved.

Furthermore, it could be deepened on the basis of full respect for human rights and the institutions and powers responsible for combating crimes reported and targeted by the population.

Organized society can turn to political-administrative institutions such as municipalities so that there is neither tolerance nor relativism in the face of these scourges that are already widespread in other countries in our region and are causing great harm there.

“It’s not about making hateful comparisons,” he explained, “but about what we can still do from a pedagogical perspective.”

Regarding other relevant issues in 2023, he pointed out that 50 years have passed since the coup was carried out to stop the construction of a project for a society without cruel capitalism, in which all residents could enjoy a high quality of life.

The President of the Communist Party of Chile expressed concern about the denialist positions of the right, which serve to avoid bearing the costs of the use of state terrorism against large sections of the population.

In this sense, he welcomed the creation of the so-called Search Committee for the Imprisoned and Disappeared, although he regretted that it was necessary to wait half a century to undertake this task because those who had the information did not have the courage to do it to hand over.

Carmona described the December 17 constitutional vote as a struggle in which the people defeated a project modeled on the far right that sought to impose the most radical foundations of neoliberalism.

On other issues, he expressed that the Communist Party strongly condemns all forms of corruption, including the so-called collar and tie crimes, which are currently being investigated.

After the press conference, communicators were invited to taste the typical Caldillo de Congrio, made according to a recipe contained in a poem by the Nobel Prize winner in Literature, Pablo Neruda.
