Chileans are advised to take measures to protect themselves from

Chileans are advised to take measures to protect themselves from the heat

Climate change and the effects of the El Niño phenomenon will lead to a sharp increase in thermometer values, such as the warmest Christmas in the last half century with 35.7 degrees Celsius.

The forecasts for the next three months in the center and south of the country are not promising and, given this situation, architectural specialist Bárbara Rodríguez recommended several measures to make life in houses more bearable.

He recalled that in Chile the home insulation system is still very deficient in both winter and summer, despite changing regulations.

Furthermore, severe heat is relatively new not only in the country but in the rest of the world and other forms of adaptation are required.

The most common solutions, such as air conditioning, are aggressive towards the environment and the use of such devices increases the cost of electrical energy too much.

In these circumstances, says Rodríguez, it is advisable to adopt simple behaviors, including preventing solar radiation from falling directly on the walls or entering through the windows, especially those that face east in the morning or west in the afternoon.

To do this, it is recommended to install thick, light-colored curtains inside and, if possible, place a second one outside or a grid with plants to improve the air.

Using light colors on walls and ceilings is important as they reflect solar radiation, rather than dark colors which absorb heat.

Rodríguez also recommends helping air circulation by opening windows after sunset, even with a fan, as this reduces the feeling of heat during the night.
