Chimpanzee who spent his entire life in captivity reacts adorable

Chimpanzee who spent his entire life in captivity reacts adorable when he sees the sky for the first time

Vanilla is a 29yearold chimpanzee who has spent her entire life in confinement, not knowing what day and night are. But the best happened! And your reaction when you first saw the sky is exciting.

The chimpanzee was rescued by the Save the Chimps animal shelter in Fort Pierce, Florida (USA), giving her a chance for a new start.

But before she got there, she spent her life locked in a 1.5m2 cage or an enclosure the size of a garage.

Vanilla is 29 years old and has spent her life in prison. (Photo: Reproduction Instagram/@savethechimps)

However, the dark time is over and today this sweet girl lives with dignity!

The primate spent its first two years of life in the Laboratory of Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates (LEMSIP) in New York, USA, which closed in 1997.

From there, the chimpanzee was taken along with other animals to the Wildlife Waystation in California.

There she was locked in a small enclosure the size of a garage and couldn’t see the sky clearly through the fenced roof. The place was closed in 2019 due to threatening forest fires.

Now she has been taken in to the Save the Chimps shelter in Fort Pierce and given a warm welcome by Dwight, another chimpanzee who lives there.

“Vanilla and Shake have been fully integrated into a large family group and released on their island home,” Save the Chimps wrote in the caption. “Vanilla hesitated, but it took an encouraging hug from the alpha to let go.”

Vanilla was greeted at the sanctuary with a warm hug from Dwight, another chimpanzee who lives there. (Photo: Reproduction Instagram/@savethechimps)

The moment she saw the sky for the first time was filmed and shared on June 15th on the sanctuary’s Instagram profile @savethechimps, generating over 30,000 views and thousands of comments.

“In California, Vanilla lived with a handful of chimpanzees in a wirefence cage with no grass and very little to do,” said Dr. Save the Chimps’ Andrew Halloran on the New York Post news portal.

The chimpanzee was stunned when she saw the sky for the first time. (Photo: Reproduction Instagram/@savethechimps)

Having previously been confined, she has now found sanctuary on the island, home to 226 chimpanzees dumped on the roadside by laboratories, the entertainment industry, the exotic pet trade and zoos.

According to the organization, many of these chimpanzees were kept in solitary confinement and never had the opportunity to interact with other members of their own species.

“Vanilla adapts really well,” he continued. “When she’s not exploring the island with her friends, she’s usually perched on a threestory climbing platform, surveying her new world.”

Were you curious to see Vanilla’s reaction when she first looked up at the sky? Cash:

May she be very happy! To follow the work of the Save the Chimps shelter, click here.

Speaking of chimps…

At the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, Kansas (USA) an emotional reunion took place between a mother chimpanzee named Mahale and her calf Kucheza.

Kucheza snuggled up to his chimpanzee mom, Mahale. (Photo: Instagram/@sedgwickcountyzoo)

The primate had been separated from her son for two days for treatment that included an emergency caesarean section for the birth of the baby.

The scene was captured by a zoo camera and shared on the facility’s social media. And you can check it out by clicking the article link below.

  • Touching Moment: Chimpanzee Reunites Baby After Csection Delivery; Video

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