China defends 39use of force39 as Palestine39s 39inalienable right39 at

China defends 'use of force' as Palestine's 'inalienable right' at International Court of Justice | Israel | Ma Xinmin | UN | latest | WORLD

The Chinese government defended this Thursday from the International Court of Justice (IGH) the “use of force” as an “inalienable right” of the City Palestinian for “resist oppression” Israeli and to establish an independent state, and called on the parties to “take into account each other’s legitimate concerns” and find a negotiated solution.

Ma XinminRepresentatives of the Chinese Foreign Ministry recalled China “has constantly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people in restoring their lives legitimate right“ and complained that the basis for the two-state solution “was continually circumvented because the relevant decisions of the U.N. “They were not implemented effectively.”

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“In pursuit of their right to self-determination, the Palestinian people use violence to resist.” foreign oppression and complete the establishment of a Independent state“It is an inalienable right enshrined in international law,” he argued. China.

According to him, various peoples freed themselves from colonial rule and foreign oppression and then became independent Second World Warand “their practices serve as compelling evidence of the right” of peoples to armed struggle.

“Several resolutions of the U.N. Recognize that legitimacy of fighting by all available means, including armed struggle by peoples under colonial rule or foreign occupation“he added.

The IGH is holding analysis hearings this week at the request of Parliament UN General Assembly“the legal consequences arising from Israel's policies and practices in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem“, in order to provide a requested non-binding legal opinion in 2022, before the current war in the Gaza Strip.

Xinmin denounced that “Israel’s oppressive policies and practices” in this “long employment“of the Palestinian Territory” have “seriously undermined and prevented the exercise and full realization of the right to justice.” Palestinian people“to self-determination.

In this sense, he warned against “occupying and occupying by force maintain such employment “for the purpose of annexing a territory occupied by force is illegal under international law.”

He regretted that the Palestinian issue “was inflict suffering for several generations for more than half a century” and pointed out that “countless Palestinians have waited their entire lives, but there is no longer a climate of hope in their efforts to restore the legitimate rights” of the Palestinian people.

He also believed that the question of Palestinewith “Origin on behalf of the League of Nations“, goes “beyond the scope of bilateral affairs” between Palestine and Israel and is “directly related” to the responsibility of the U.N. on the path to international peace and security.

“The United Nations has an ongoing responsibility for the issue Palestine” he explained and claimed that “Justice has been a long time coming, but it should not be denied.”

“A solution requires joint efforts Israel And Palestineand joint efforts of the international community. China Encourages the parties to take into account each other's legitimate concerns, embrace the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and continue to negotiate a peaceful solution in order to live in peace. Two people living side by side in harmony“, he concluded.