China flies 103 military planes toward Taiwan new peak in

China flies 103 military planes toward Taiwan, new peak in activity that island calls harassment – ABC News

China has flown 103 military aircraft toward Taiwan, marking a new daily high for activity the island considers a nuisance

September 17, 2023, 10:00 p.m. ET

• 2 min reading

The planes were discovered between 6 a.m. on Sunday and 6 a.m. on Monday, the ministry said. As usual, they turned back before reaching Taiwan.

China, which claims Taiwan as part of its territory, has been conducting increasingly large military exercises in the air and in the waters around Taiwan as tensions have risen between both countries and with the United States. The United States is Taiwan’s main arms supplier and opposes any attempt to forcibly change Taiwan’s status.

The ministry described the Chinese military action as “harassment” and warned that it could escalate in the current tense atmosphere. “We call on the Beijing authorities to take responsibility and immediately stop such destructive military activities,” it said in a statement.

China sent a fleet of ships, including the aircraft carrier Shandong, to waters near Taiwan last week. The exercises came shortly after the United States and Canada sent warships through the Taiwan Strait, the waters that separate the island from the mainland.

China also unveiled a plan for an integrated development demonstration zone with Taiwan in China’s nearby Fujian province, seeking to lure Taiwan while warning it against China’s longstanding carrot-and-stick approach, experts say.

Taiwan and China separated in 1949 when the Communists took control of China during a civil war. The defeated nationalists fled to Taiwan and established their own government on the island.

The island is self-governing, although few foreign nations grant it official diplomatic recognition. Among other things, the USA maintains formal relations with China and at the same time maintains a representative office in Taiwan.


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