China is sending planes and missiles to Moscowallied Serbia

China is sending planes and missiles to Moscowallied Serbia

China’s military planes have been delivering ‘regular military supplies’ to Serbia. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said while commenting on an unusual operation Saturday that saw six Chinese Y20 transport planes land in Belgrade. According to the spokesman, the operation was part of the two countries’ annual cooperation plan, did not target third parties and “has nothing to do with the current situation”.

The planes’ arrival sparked strong speculation that they would carry HQ22 surfacetoair missiles under the terms of an agreement previously signed by the parties. And China itself then confirmed that it had sent them.

The six Y20 transport planes, flying the airspace of two NATO countries (Turkey and Bulgaria), landed at Belgrade’s Nikola Tesla civilian airport on Saturday to deliver missiles ordered by Serbia, which has very close ties with Russia. The US advised against their purchase in 2020, warning that joining the EU or other western alliances would involve the use of defense systems of more uniform and western standards.

Prime Minister of Kosovo: “Putin’s tentacles in the Balkans. We are still in danger”

by Paolo Brera March 20, 2022222246329aaf21898210f4a948212b4508fdd945e

The Chinesemade missiles, delivered amid the instability of the Balkans, are mostly compared to the American Patriots or the Russian S300, despite having a shorter range: 170 km at a height of 27 km. Serbia is the first European country to acquire such Chinese weapons.

Vucic’s triumph: The Kremlin also wins in Belgrade

by Paolo Brera April 04, 2022001658710842904e859c24422af994c497cd0fb1a

The Serbian Ministry of Defense has not yet responded to inquiries from the Associated Press. The Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic Saturday seemed almost to confirm the delivery of mediumrange systems agreed in 2019, saying it will present “the latest pride” of the Serbian army on Tuesday or Wednesday. Vucic’s government, just confirmed for a new mandate, voted in favor of UN resolutions condemning Russian aggression against Ukraine, but has decided not to support international sanctions against Moscow.
