China presented to Russia its vision of a “political solution” to the conflict in Ukraine

The head of Chinese diplomacy, Wang Yi, exchanged views with the Russian Foreign Ministry on Wednesday. Ukrainian diplomacy ensures that this peace plan was prepared without consulting Kiev.

By Le Figaro with AFP

Published 2/22/2023 at 6:28 PM, updated 2/22/2023 at 7:01 PM

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Vladimir Putin with the director of the Bureau of the Central Commission on Foreign Affairs of China Wang Yi during a meeting in Moscow February 22, 2023. SPUTNIK/ Portal

China has presented its vision for a “political solution” to the conflict in Ukraine to Russia, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday after the head of Chinese diplomacy Wang Yi’s trip to Moscow.

“The Chinese partners have shared with us their thoughts on the causes of the Ukraine crisis as well as their approaches to its political solution,” Russia’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. “There was no question of a separate ‘plan’ (peace),” he noted, however. As a close ally of Russia, China has never publicly supported or criticized the invasion of Ukraine, while repeatedly voicing support for Moscow in the face of Western sanctions. But she has also repeatedly called for respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity, while Moscow is calling for the annexation of five Ukrainian regions.

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Beijing did not consult Kiev when drafting its peace plan»

A senior Ukrainian official responded Wednesday, telling multiple media outlets, “China has not consulted us.” Beijing has promised to release its “political solution proposal” this week, in time for the first anniversary of the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine on February 24, 2022.

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The head of Ukraine’s diplomacy, Dmytro Kouleba, who met his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Germany, announced in Brussels on Tuesday that the latter had “informed him about the key elements of the Chinese peace plan”. “We are waiting to receive this text to study it in detail because we cannot draw any conclusions after an oral presentation,” added Dmytro Kouleba.

red lines

For his part, Ukraine’s top official warned on Wednesday that no peace plan should cross “the red lines set by Kyiv,” including territorial concessions to Russia, which occupies territories in eastern and southern Ukraine, notably the Crimean peninsula. “For Ukraine, the red lines are the principles of the UN Charter, including respect for Ukraine’s territorial integrity,” the official said. “There will be no negotiations on Ukrainian territory, the President (Volodymyr Zelenskyy) has already clearly said that,” he warned.

On the Russian side, the Foreign Ministry announced in the evening that China had presented its vision of a “political solution” to the conflict through its diplomatic chief Wang Yi in Moscow. “The Chinese partners have shared with us their thoughts on the root causes of the Ukraine crisis as well as their approaches to its political solution,” the Russian ministry said in a statement.

SEE ALSO – “Cooperation between China and Russia is very important to stabilize the international situation,” said Vladimir Putin

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