China Warns US of Cost of Supporting Taiwan

China Warns US of Cost of Supporting Taiwan

The Beijing government on Wednesday urged the United States to adhere to the one-China principle, warning that failure to comply with the commitment would put the Taiwan region in a high-risk situation and entail prohibitive costs for Washington.


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US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a congressional hearing on Tuesday that the Joe Biden administration is committed to ensuring that “Taiwan has all the means necessary to defend itself against any potential aggression.”

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin expressed regret and dismissed Blinken’s testimony at a regular press conference.

“Since China and the US established diplomatic relations in 1979, Washington governments, including the current one, have clearly stated that they will uphold the one-China principle,” Wang said.

According to the spokesman, the joint statement between China and the United States on establishing diplomatic relations and the August 17 statement clearly stated that “the United States recognizes the government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of China and recognizes the Chinese position on It.” there is only one China and Taiwan is a part of China.

In the Shanghai Communiqué, the US side also stated that “The US recognizes that all Chinese people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait believe that there is only one China and that Taiwan is part of China. The United States government does not dispute this position. “, he added.

Wang pointed out that the White House admits that Taiwan belongs to China but continues to talk about possible “aggression” by the mainland by Taiwan. “Isn’t that contradictory since a country cannot ‘invade’ part of its own territory?”

He also pointed out that the US leadership has repeatedly stated that Washington does not support “Taiwan independence”, while on the other hand it has not stopped selling arms and maintaining official contacts with Taipei, which is sending false signals to “Taiwan”. have”. “Independence Forces”.

The spokesman reiterated that the historic trend of China’s reunification cannot be halted and that the one-China principle supports cross-strait peace and stability.
Wang stressed that the United States should not underestimate the strong determination, determination and ability of the 1.4 billion Chinese people to uphold national sovereignty and territorial integrity.