1664807061 Chocolate with pepper Estelinha grew up and became a tall

Chocolate with pepper Estelinha grew up and became a tall woman

Marcela Barrozo, Estelinha de Chocolate com Pimenta is so beautiful, she is the most beautiful in Brazil

Without doubt, Chocolate with pepper is one of the biggest hits ever shown on TV Globo. The soap opera has shaped generations and featured wellknown actors who made history.

Always remembered, Chocolate com Pimenta, with its diverse range of iconic characters that conquered Brazil, produced actors who will undoubtedly never be forgotten.

The soap opera, which will be repeated by Globo, brought out a curiosity to know how the child actors who were so successful in Chocolate with Pimenta are doing.

As in the case of Estelinha, played by actress Marcela Barrozo. In the soap opera, Estelinha was the daughter of Bárbara (Lilia Cabral) and Mayor Vivaldo (Fulvio Stefanini). Danilo’s cousin (Murilo Benício), for those who don’t remember, the little girl was spoiled and always fighting and wrinkling her nose at the other children, but in the end she became their friend.

Children's chocolate frosting with pepper  photo: reproductionKinderguss chocolate with pepper photo: reproduction

In addition to her work at TV Globo, Marcela Barrozo was also part of the acting cast at Record. The Muse played the character Uriala in the 2021 novel Genesis. This was Marcela’s last feuilleton so far

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Marcela Barrozo, Estelinha de Chocolate com Pimenta, is so beautiful, she is the most beautiful in Brazil  Photo: reproductionMarcela Barrozo, Estelinha de Chocolate com Pimenta, is so beautiful, she is the most beautiful in Brazil Photo: Reproduction

However, Estelinha grew up, became a great woman and even changed her profession.

Marcela Barrozo, currently 30, who, despite living discreetly, hasn’t left the small screen permanently. But the muse is also pursuing a second career. Marcela Barrozo is studying dentistry.

In fact, she said in a recent interview that the job is a plan B for her career as she doesn’t get as many suggestions today as she used to. In addition to dentistry, Marcela also revealed that she has already taken a cooking class. However, the study did not serve the job, but only served to nurture the hobby of cooking for family and friends at home.


For those who don’t know, Marcela Barrozo got married! The actress married lawyer Luiz Fernando Pinto in June 2022. The lovebirds have been together since 2019. However, they were already living together before sealing the marriage ceremony.

Marcela Barrozo, Estelinha de Chocolate com Pimenta, is so beautiful, she is the most beautiful in Brazil  Photo: reproductionMarcela Barrozo, Estelinha de Chocolate com Pimenta, is so beautiful, she is the most beautiful in Brazil Photo: Reproduction

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