Choose one of the doors and see what it reveals about you Online Séries

Door tests

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Doors are physical objects that serve as entrances to buildings, homes, stores, and other types of places. They also have great symbolism and can mean a new path and the beginning of a great journey.

Choose one of the doors and discover what it says about you:

Door number 1

You are a person focused on your goals. Even if obstacles appear on the way, you tend to remain steadfast until you achieve all your dreams. Despite all the motivation, you often hesitate and this can lead to you not being able to make big changes in your life.

Door number 2

You are very hard on yourself at times. You tend to overbill yourself for your mistakes, although it’s best to stop, take a deep breath, and plan what can be done to solve a particular problem without to accumulate even more stressful traces in your life.

You tend to trust other people too much and that deserves attention. Try to do things that make you happy and bring you closer to nature. This can help you rest your mind and body and gain strength to move forward.

Door number 3

You are a person who attracts the attention of those around you. Despite all your apparent happiness, you tend to hide feelings that can bring bad things into your life. The past must stay in the past. Accept what happened and live more in the present without worrying so much about the future.

Plan before you take action. Think about whether this is really what you want. Live a lighter life and worry less about things that don’t bring anything productive to your life.

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