Choquei case Deputy denounces Mynd agency in STF and PGR

Choquei case: Deputy denounces Mynd agency in STF and PGR

Choquei case: Deputy reports Mynd agency to STF and PGR

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Federal MP Daniel Freitas (PLSC) presented Complaints to the Federal Court of Justice, the Supreme Electoral Court and the Attorney General's Office to investigate the Mynd agency and its partners alleged connections between the company and the profile Choquei no X formerly Twitter.

Freitas also stated that he had asked Violation of the banking and telematics secrecy of those responsible for the agency. The parliamentarian argues that it is necessary to clarify whether the agency had control over what was and was not published in X do Choquei.

Following the death of the young Jéssica Vitória Canedo at the age of 22, after Choquei published false news about her romance with the digital influencer and comedian Whinderson NunesInformation emerged that Internet personalities from the agency's casting had helped popularize Choquei's profile on the Internet.

However, the agency denied any editorial connection with Choquei.

“The Choquei profile is not part of Mynd’s casting. As an influencer marketing agency, Mynd exclusively takes care of arranging advertising sales on social media profiles. Mynd never participates in the editorial content of a profile. All profiles are completely independent and managed by their owners, who determine all content. Mynd does not own any news or related content profiles,” Mynd said in an official statement released last week.

As we published, the federal government, which had little interest in the real consequences of the case, used the episode to promote the Fake News PL.

For example, the leader of the PT in the Chamber, Zeca Dirceu (PR), said that “in 2024 we must move forward in dealing with PL 2630 Fake News, this should be a priority at the beginning of the year for Parliament”.

The Minister of Women, Cida Gonçalves, released a statement saying: “The death of Jéssica Vitória Canedo, a 22yearold young woman, is another tragedy resulting from the irresponsibility of profiles on social networks, that of misogyny and misogyny “The spread of lies and the platforms’ lack of accountability.”

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