Christian Nodal and his addiction would have led him to

Christian Nodal and his addiction would have led him to cheat on Belinda with escorts

Posted in PROMIS on 4/5/2022 09:18 AM

Almost two months after the thunder between Christian Nodal and Belinda, new details keep coming to light on the reasons why the couple distanced themselves despite planning marriage.

this tuesday, TV Notas magazine revealed the constant infidelities of the famous Mexican singer they would have been the ones who would have worn down their relationship in the end belinda, well apparently The young man was addicted to sex and would have paid for company when he wasn’t with his fiancee.

He was said to be very much in love with her, but cheated on her several times with escorts. Although it seemed like they were together all the time, it wasn’t and when he wasn’t with her he took the opportunity to have fun. There were times when he would disappear and not even answer Belinda’s phone‘ revealed a source close to the famous entertainment magazine.

Christian Nodal and Belinda would have ended because of the singer’s infidelities
Photo: Instagram archive

The informant, who claims to be an employee of the singer, points out that Nodal ended up with the pretty green-eyed girlShe has dedicated her life to extravagance, excess and seeking companionship with other women. In fact, the singer would have bought an exclusive apartment in Los Angeles to celebrate their meetings.

There are women who charge 10,000 pesos an hour and don’t just stay with you for an hour. Some are taken on a trip and there the price can range from 50 to 100,000 pesos per day or more, but they vary widely.. He makes a lot of money and maybe those expenses don’t mean him.”

Christian Nodal cancels concerts due to riots

The well-known entertainment magazine points this out Christian Nodal’s new life has led to him canceling concerts or arriving late, causing the anger of his followers.

In the past few weeks, the interpreter of “Adiós amor” had canceled a concert in Medellín, Colombia, allegedly because of bad weather. However, it was later reported that he did not travel to the South American country because he stayed in Los Angeles accompanied by a model.

Christian Nodal canceled concert in Colombia
Photo: Instagram Stories @nodal

The first version that circulated mentioned this The young woman Nodal was dating was a Colombian model named Mariana Ríos. However, the informant assures that it is the young Andrea Flores, a 24-year-old Mexican woman with whom he has already been seen in Irapuato, but with whom he has no formal relationship.