Christiane Torloni spoke of an atrocity that the author committed with her

Christiane Torloni spoke about her character’s murder because she was gay

In 1998, the country stopped to watch Tower of Babylonnovel by Silvio de Abreu which divided opinions at the time and tried to break taboos. In this classic Christian Torloni in the role of stylist Raffaelawho has a gay romance with exmodel LEila Sampaio (Silvia Pfeifer).

The couple was beautiful, but prejudice was much more present then than it is today. For this reason, the author Silvio de Abreu had to commit an atrocity. He killed the couple in the famous tower explosion. So it calmed the mood and sparked the debate about intolerance towards the LGBT community.

In an interview with EGO, Christiane Torlonii commented on the homophobia and romance of the characters. “More than ever, the topic of homophobia is being discussed a lot. prejudice is ugly. And considering it’s going to be twenty years since we did a soap opera with a gay couple and we’ve already shown that it’s normal… Nowadays prejudice doesn’t fit anymore, it’s getting pretty ugly,” she commented.

After experiencing a lesbian romance on TV, Christiane Torloni reminisces on the soap opera (Photo: Reproduction)After experiencing a lesbian romance on TV, Christiane Torloni reminisces on the soap opera (Photo: Reproduction)

Although Christiane Torloni had played numerous other prominent characters, she stated that Rafaela was important to her as an actress. “She was indeed very noticeable to me. Rafaela was beautiful. She and the character of Silvia Pfeifer formed the most peaceful couple in the plot. This couple who have welcomed the issues of other couples who have struggled who have had a lot of issues,” she said.

She also commented on the strength of the characters. “You could prejudice the lesbian couple and demonize them, but the two of them held off the ripple of the whole rest of the story, they were very calm,” the actress said.

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In this way, Christiane Torloni also explained that television must show more relationships than they are. “What an old thing to argue about. We have more to show the kisses, that’s part of life,” she said.

She also confirmed that the storyline is paramount to the progression: “We took this storyline a step further, we showed a lot more than a kiss. We run. Brazil has very declining places but I think art is what drives us.”

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