1697452000 Christine Morency reveals the public comments that concern her most

Christine Morency reveals the public comments that concern her most | Hollywoodpq.com – HollywoodPQ

“That’s what touches me, because it’s not true that that’s all I am.”

Christine Morency was one of the guests in the second season of added valueled by Veronique Cloutiera moment that was very touching in his company.

Christine Morency reveals the public comments that concern her mostDecency

The comedian’s authenticity made her the perfect candidate to answer difficult questions, including public comments that affect her personally.

She explained that she was not affected by the petty comments about her appearance, although it bothered her to see how it affected her mother. In fact, Christine feels insulted for something completely different.

“(…) It’s a physical thing, it doesn’t matter. But if someone comes to attack me, which I am for example, ignorant or if someone attacks my intellectual property. When someone attacks my sensitivity. When people say I lack respect. For me it is one of the greatest values. Then we don’t understand that it is humor, that it is done in a certain context, that we are taking a joke out of a context. “Well, that’s what touches me, because it’s not true that I’m just like that (…) I feel like defending myself, I feel like answering,” reveals the star.

And you, what particularly affects you?