Christmas Theft A Canadian sets out with 60 frozen turkeys

Christmas Theft: A Canadian sets out with… 60 frozen turkeys

Just days before Christmas, a New Brunswick thief is said to have managed to get his hands on about sixty frozen turkeys by breaking the lock on a supermarket's refrigerated truck before attempting to repeat the crime on Monday.

“We've had thefts before, but no one has ever cut the locks like this! It is a financial loss, but above all an inconvenience [de ne pas] We have turkeys for our customers,” complained Sandy Cantelo, owner of the Salisbury Independent grocery store in the New Brunswick city of the same name, according to Global News on Tuesday.

On Saturday evening, one or more thieves broke the padlock on a grocery store refrigerated truck before making off with 60 frozen turkeys.

If a few turkeys had been left behind, an individual would have tried to repeat the crime on Monday evening, but without success, the owner determined after observing the surveillance cameras.

“He tried to cut another padlock again last night but he couldn't get in,” she said, according to English-language media.

One problem, according to many, is that the nearest police station is more than 20 kilometers away.

“The community regularly expresses this concern to the RCMP, including at a recent meeting with the commissioner […] “The end of November,” city Administrator Austin Henderson said in a news release, according to Global News.

At the same time, food relief services such as the Salisbury Food Bank told the media that weekly orders have recently doubled.

“If they needed a turkey, they could have gotten one for free because we try to help everyone. Not just food bank customers: This Christmas we help everyone who needs it,” Pam Martin, president of the Salisbury Helping Hands food bank, told Global News.

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