Churches in Europe: the climate needs more political commitment Vatican News German

European churches are calling on politicians to “listen to the science” when it comes to climate goals and to work for a fair implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement at the COP28 world climate conference in Dubai.

A more just and sustainable way of life for all humanity depends on everyone’s commitment to the “common home,” which includes a different lifestyle and careful use of resources, said a statement at the beginning of the Church’s Period of Creation in Friday. But especially “it depends on the commitment and careful work of those who are directly involved in politics and social life,” said CCEE President Archbishop Gintaras Grusas and CEC President Archbishop Nikitas (Loulias).

With the joint statement, the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (CCEE) and the Conference of European Churches (CEC) call on Christians and, in general, “all people of good will” to participate “in prayer and action” in four weeks.” Season of Creation” from September 1 to October 4. Grusas and Loulias refer to the common motto “Let justice and peace flow”, which is based on words from the biblical book of Amos.

“Let justice and peace flow”

(kap – gs)