Cigarette abstinence hurts says Tonico Pereira How to deal with

“Cigarette abstinence hurts,” says Tonico Pereira; How to deal with symptoms Live a good life

In May, actor Tonico Pereira, 73, was hospitalized to treat tracheobronchitis, an inflammation affecting the windpipe and bronchi. He spent 10 days in a Rio de Janeiro hospital and recently returned to activity.

Because of the problem, he had to quit smoking (and would still have to stay away from cigarettes). In an interview with Quem, the actor said that this is the hardest part.

“The cigarette abstinence hurts me. I smoked a lot, a lot,” said Tonico, who managed to stay in the hospital without cigarettes and reduced his consumption after discharge. “But I haven’t reached zero yet.”

effects of abstinence

And indeed, only those who have tried to quit smoking know how difficult it is to face these “negative emotions” that are responsible for various physical and psychological effects.

“The abstinence from cigarettes only lasts for a short time, about two or three days. However, with this comes the craving, a very strong urge to smoke,” says Eduardo Perin, psychiatrist at Unifesp (Federal University of São Paulo) and specialist in cognitionbehavioral therapy at the Anxiety Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas da USP (University of São Paulo). .

Nicotine withdrawal can produce various effects, such as:

  • Headache;
  • anxiety and irritation;
  • Excessive sweating of the hands;
  • Tremble;
  • Change in bowel habits and sleep (insomnia or hypersomnia);
  • compulsive hunger;
  • difficulty concentrating on tasks;
  • Apathy;
  • Depression.

According to Marcus Yu Bin Pai, a doctor of science at USP and a researcher at the Department of Neurology at Hospital das Clínicas, physical symptoms tend to last less.

“When a smoker begins a smoking cessation plan, they have a harrowing experience of nicotine withdrawal and recovery symptoms in the first few weeks. Physical symptoms can go away in a few days, but mental symptoms can last for many months.”

5 ways to control nerves during withdrawal

  • Decide on a gradual “weaning”
  • Seek medical attention
  • Share and ask for help
  • Look for distraction and exercise
  • Avoid triggers like alcohol

Would you like to quit smoking? See tips

The support of friends and family is essential in treatment. These people need to understand the smoker’s moment, understand that they will become even more irritated, but that it is a phase that will pass. They should be more patient and affirm that they are on hand to help, support, listen more than talk, welcome, avoid criticizing, demanding, and embroiling for any reason.

“During this stage, it’s important to distract yourself and focus on cigarettes, exercise, and activities that draw attention like reading or crafts,” says Carolina Salim, pulmonologist and member of the Tobacco Support Group at the ACCamargo Cancer Center, in Sao Paulo.

According to experts, one of the tips against the uncontrollable urge to smoke is to put together a kind of “craving kit” with sugarfree candies and chewing gum as well as dried fruit. This can help create a flavor and make you feel like you have something in your mouth.

Changing the environment, going for a walk, and taking a shower are also good strategies for changing focus.

According to Jairo Bouer, psychiatrist and columnist for Live a good lifefew people are able to quit smoking and many need some type of medical support and resources to quit smoking.

“If you’ve started smoking again in those first few weeks, don’t see it as a defeat or a failure, it can happen, it’s part of the process. If you don’t make it, don’t despair, reorganize and go for a fresh start,” he advises.

Quitting smoking is a slow and difficult process. Many smokers want to quit, have tried and unfortunately without success. In such cases, it is best to seek professional help.

There are drug treatments that combat both chemical and psychological addiction, explains the pulmonologist.

* With information from reports published on 05/04/2021 and 08/25/2021.