Ciro talks in debate with Duvivier become left target and ammunition for bolsonarista

Presidential candidate Ciro Gomes (PDT) has been criticized by the left for saying in a debate with comedian Gregório Duvivier that former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) had not been exonerated in cases against him.

At the same time, the Ceará politician’s speech served as ammunition for Bolsonarist politicians to attack Lula.

Ciro proposed the debate with the comedian after comedian Greg News suggested during his show on HBO that Ciro’s supporters should migrate to Lula to defeat President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) in the first round. The invitation was accepted and the debate took place on Friday (20th) during Ciro’s weekly live.

The passage that had the greatest impact was when Ciro, without giving his name, called Lula a “corrupt ignoramus” and disagreed with Duvivier. “I find it wrong to call Lula corrupt precisely because he was exonerated,” said the comedian, who is also a columnist for Sheet.

Ciro then countered: “He was not exonerated, that is a lie by the PT. Lula had the trials annulled. He is returning to the presumption of innocence but he has not been exonerated.”

Lula spent 580 days in prison after being convicted in the Guarujá triplex case on the São Paulo coast. Last year Secretary Edson Fachin of the Federal Court of Justice (STF) overturned the convictions of former President Lula in Lava Jato.

In addition, the Supreme Court ruled by a vote of 7 to 4 that former judge Sergio Moro (União Brasil) was biased in assessing the former president in the triplex case. With this, the evidence gathered in the case was deemed invalid and the case was shelved.

In March, Minister Ricardo Lewandowski of the STF stayed the final criminal case against Lula.

The topic became one of the most talked about on social media.

Former federal deputy Jean Wyllys, who is set to run again for PT office, wrote on a social network that Ciro was the auxiliary line of fascism.

“That’s the unfortunate role this guy played in the campaign: that of fascism’s support line. And neither he nor his fandom will say they are unaware of it. it is you It remains to be seen whether the rest of the PDT will want to join in this attack on democracy,” he stated.

PSOL President Juliano Medeiros praised Duvivier and indirectly criticized Ciro. “[Gregório] He had the courage to expose himself to foreign land, with all the hardships that can entail. This episode came out huge while others came out tiny,” he wrote.

Artists with profiles on the left and traffic on the PTsympathetic networks also had an impact on the live.

“The day before yesterday [sexta]”Ciro’s former supporters must move in peace to a democratic and fair election for Lula,” wrote Kleber Mendonça Filho, director of Bacurau.

Petra Costa, director of the documentary Democracy in Verttige, said Ciro needs to learn to listen, praised the comedian’s patience and said Brazil needed a smarter pedestrian he was heavily criticized on the networks for interrupting Gregory dozens of times.

Responding to Petra’s comment, Rio Grande do Sul State Assemblyman Juliana Brizola (PDT), granddaughter of Leonel Brizola, defended Ciro. “Ciro tried to defend himself as he saw fit. His biggest mistake was talking about a project to ‘sealing’ with those who concerned him the most,” wrote the MP.

ExPresident Lula himself responded to the spate of comments on the innocence question without mentioning Ciro. He posted a video of his lawyer Cristiano Zanin Martins talking about it.

“After thorough investigation and found nothing, only fake news remained to attack Lula,” wrote the PT profile.

Despite the feud with Ciro and the attacks he is making on President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), Bolsonarists have taken up the issue to attack Lula.

“Gregório: ‘I think it’s wrong to call Lula corrupt since he was exonerated’. Then Ciro comes and throws the truth in his face: he wasn’t exonerated, that’s a PT lie,” said Federal MP Bia Kicis (PL ).

Another Bolsonarista, Federal MP Carlos Jordy, also took up the matter. “If there’s one good thing about Ciro, it’s when he tells the whole truth about his old friend Lula. The PT has not been acquitted, he has not been convicted and his crimes remain!” he wrote.

President Bolsonaro also relayed this live, but to poke fun at it. He posted a photo of him watching the debate, in what appears to be a montage based on an old image of the President appearing watching Donald Trump’s speech.

After the broadcast, Ciro published several excerpts from the debate, including the part that started the discussion about Lula’s innocence.

“Perhaps the reason Gregory supports the PT is because he believes Lula has been acquitted of the charges against him. wouldn’t you try?” the pedestrian wrote.

Quaest Pesquisa director Felipe Nunes tweeted that the average number of mentions of Ciro on the network had increased from 25,000 to 90,000.

“What Ciro failed to do, however, was create a shift in people’s digital mood about him. At the start of the week the percentage of positive mentions was 28%, after the debate it reached 19%,” he wrote. .