Citizen arrested in Nicaragua for money laundering

Citizen arrested in Nicaragua for money laundering

According to an official statement, the Police Legal Aid Directorate has been investigating the crime committed by Nicaraguans and foreigners of American origin who have been bringing money into the country since 2013.

According to the information disclosed, the criminals used the facade of the American Christian organizations “Shaking the Nations” and “Mountain Gate”.

The latter had an office in Nicaragua, and its aim, the note says, was supposedly to engage in Christian discipleship and recruit farmers from the country's northern departments, whom they appointed as evangelical pastors.

“In order to make people believe that they are organizations that help the Nicaraguan people and spread the word of God, they dedicate themselves to the acquisition of vehicles, land, houses in residential areas and business operations,” he said.

The document shows that in 2013 the Americans John Britton Hancock, president of “Puerta de la Montaña”, and Jacob Britton Hancock, a member of this organization, financed Bruce Wagner, another American airline owner and owner of the Evangelistic ministry “Shaking the Nations” of the northern country came here.

He added that the purpose was to bring money to Nicaragua to receive dividends, real estate and personal property and to do business.

“John Britton Hancock, Jacob Britton Hancock, contacted Nicaraguans Walner Omier Blandón and Marisela de Fátima Mejía To the Puertas de la Montaña organization in Nicaragua, appointing Blandón as legal representative and his wife Mejía as financial manager,” he explained.

He specified that the money was deposited by the American Bruce Wagner at the “Puerta de la Montaña” ministry in the United States and from there transferred to the personal bank accounts of Blandón and Mejía, which were subsequently blocked due to the amount of capital they received .

“For this reason, in the name of Blandón and Mejía, they created the companies Operaciones Blandón Hancock SA Vertical Bridge Works, Conexión Vertical and Puente Plomo, with positions and shares in the companies, together with the Americans Jacob Britton Hancock and John Britton Hancock.

The police authorities stated that the aim was to deposit the money through the bank accounts of the mentioned companies so that they could acquire real estate and conduct business.

The state police referred the identified individuals to the responsible authorities for prosecution and determination of criminal responsibility.

According to the institution, it continues to conduct the relevant investigations against the Americans John Britton Hancock, Jacob Britton Hancock and Bruce Wagner.
