Claudia Alencar still does not expect to be discharged from

Claudia Alencar still does not expect to be discharged from the hospital, reports the Medical Bulletin

Claudia Alencar Reproduction / Instagram

Published on February 1, 2024 6:04 p.m

Rio Claudia Alencar, 73 years old, has been hospitalized since December 17 at the Clínica São Vicente in Gávea, southern zone of Rio, after being diagnosed with a bacterial infection. According to the new medical bulletin of this Tuesday (2), the artist continues to improve but is not expected to be discharged from the hospital.

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“Mrs. Claudia G. Alencar continues to experience continued clinical and laboratory improvements using the same antibiotics. A discharge from the hospital is not expected for the time being,” the report says.

Last Wednesday (28), the actress's medical report reported that she had experienced clinical improvement in the last two days. Remains stable and off ventilator support but “still maintaining continued vigilance due to the severity of the infection.”
To contain the infection, Claudia even underwent lumbar spine surgery. Advertising