Claudio Cerasa in Piazza Pulita quotDefending Israel means defending democracyquot

Claudio Cerasa in Piazza Pulita: "Defending Israel means defending democracy" The paper

The director of Foglio on the conflict in the Middle East: “Hamas acted with methods similar to those of the Nazis at the time of the Warsaw Ghetto”

“I think it’s necessary to set some boundaries to understand what we’re talking about. Talking about Israel today doesn’t just mean talking about a country under siege, a country that has been violated on an incredible scale. “It has not happened since the Holocaust that so many civilians died in a single day,” said director Claudio Cerasa, guest at Piazza Pulita, on La7.

Defending Israel today means defending democracy, it means defending freedom, it means defending the only mature democracy in the Middle East. The only democracy in which you can run against a prime minister, the only democracy in which opposition forces can resist and take to the streets, the only democracy in which homosexuals can be assured of not being hanged, the only democracy in “A border that is not the border of Israel, but the border of our freedoms,” he continued.

“The second point is that any discussion makes sense if we recognize that Hamas is a terrorist group that has chosen to kill Jewish infidels simply because they are Jews and because it does not recognize Israel’s right to exist.”. Once we recognize these coordinates that separate those who want to argue from those who want to go insane, we can also think about what is happening now. If we recognize that Hamas used methods similar to those used by the Nazis in the days of the Warsaw Ghetto. If you realize that Hamas is like ISIS, As Joe Biden said, not an extremist but a progressive, one can also accept the fact that Hamas must be literally destroyed. Let us imagine that San Marino suddenly becomes an enclave from which rockets are fired daily into Emilia Romagna, from which terrorists emerge who rape women, kill children, kidnap people and continue to do so. Will we have the right to respond and destroy those who carry out these activities?”