1697562510 Climate Greta stopped during protests in London

Climate: Greta stopped during protests in London

AGI – The Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg Was arrested in London during one demonstration Protest organized at the opening of an oil and gas conference.

Climate: Greta Thunberg was arrested in London


Several hundred Protesters disrupted the first day of the Energy Intelligence Forum, an event that brings together oil and gas industry executives in the British capital, is blocking the entrances to the InterContinental Hotel where the event is being held. Greta was arrested by two police officers at midday loaded onto a cell phone.

It is not the first time that Thunberg has taken part in protests that have cost her fines and police custody: in Malmö, Sweden, and in Germany at a demonstration against the use of coal. In a statement, the London police, without referring to Greta, limited themselves to speaking of 20 arrests for obstructing public roads.

“Behind these closed doors (…) politicians without stature are making deals and compromises with lobbyists from the destructive fossil fuel industry,” denounced Greta Thunberg during a press conference before the arrest. To the sound of fifty drums, the demonstrators shouted throughout the morning: “Stop oil, stop gas!” or even “Nothing can stop us, another world is possible!”

Protesters also condemned the fact that the president of COP28, the annual United Nations climate conference taking place in Dubai from November 30 to December 12, is also the head of the United Arab Emirates oil company Sultan al-Jaber.

“We know that fossil fuel lobbyists have been corrupting COP operations for decades,” said Greta Thunberg before her arrest, for whom the election of this president shows “very, very clearly” the lack of ambition of leaders who, in her opinion, “cannot “lead to a drastic reduction in CO2 emissions”.

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