Climatologist summer in Croatia will soon be too hot for

Climatologist: summer in Croatia will soon be too hot for tourists

Heat will cause disease

“You in Croatia, as well as everyone else across the Mediterranean, should definitely expect significant increases in temperature. And yes, that really means you’re going to feel like you’re living in the tropics,” said the longtime NBC commentator. Miami. It gets hot especially inland as the sea cools down at least a little. “You can count on it in the middle of the century, around 2050 or 2070”, predicted the American.

“You will have warmer months than now. At the same time, the hottest months of July and August will be very difficult for tourists – so much so that the heat will cause illness,” said John Toohey-Morales, adding a phrase that sounds like a threat to most Croats: “It is quite conceivable that it could get too hot for tourism in certain cities during these months”.