Cluster bombs Minniti in La7 If used post war clean

Cluster bombs, Minniti in La7: “If used, post war clean up will take 20 years”

Cluster bombs Minniti in La7 If used post war clean

cluster bombs? If you were part of it Ukrainian leadership, I would think about it before using it Because the dramatic problem is what stays on the ground. There quenching and tempering in the reconstruction phase of Ukraine it would be very difficult The production even takes 20 years. And reconstruction is precisely the responsibility of the Ukrainian leadership, so it would be beneficial for them too to have fewer structural obstacles.” So, a The wind that blows (La7), the former interior minister Marco Miniti expresses doubts about the use of cluster bombs to reinforce the Ukrainian counter-offensive and to breach the Russian trenches.
Minniti remembers it Born Some countries, such as Italy, have complied with the international convention banning cluster bombs, while other countries have not. And praises the position of Meloni governmentwho confirmed his accession to the Convention.

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The journalist of the Alberto Negri Manifesto: “Ukrainians must think carefully before using cluster bombs because the consequences are the worst of conflicts and, as I have seen for myself.” in Afghanistan, in Syria, in IraqRecultivation also takes decades. We run the risk of deserting this part of Central Europe. Will Ukraine join NATO? Surely NATO has invaded Ukraine – he explains – in these approximately 500 days of war, the NATO countries allocated $160 billion in military aid. In reality, the Ukrainian army is already an Atlantic Alliance army in terms of weapons, structures and, most importantly, motivation. So, in a way Ukraine is already a member of NATO“.
And he concludes bitterly: “Then we will see how this conflict ends.” Let’s not fool ourselves: This war can only be ended with a truce. But peace for these populations may not come in this generation“.