1660215013 141 CNNs denunciation Russia bombed the prisoners of the Azov battalion

CNN’s denunciation: “Russia bombed the prisoners of the Azov battalion in Olenivka and now blames Kyiv”

there Russia would responsible of the bombing of the Olenivka camp last year 29th of July. in which I am 50 Ukrainian prisoners of war diedmostly members of the Azov regiment, ie Defender of Azovstal surrendered in exchange for the evacuation of civilians. So far always the Kremlin accused Ukraine of the attack. This was revealed by CNN in a long article full of photo and video evidence. After the blast in the Russian-controlled city of Donetsk, Moscow was quick to say Kyiv would cause it. Fire long-range Himars missiles to kill prisoners. And that’s because many of them – again in the Russian version – had begun to confess to war crimes.

Too small an explosion for a Himar

The Russian narrative is summed up in the words of officer Eduard Basurin of the self-proclaimed Donetsk Republic: “After Ukrainian prisoners started talking of war crimes committed by order of the political authorities, an explosion was triggered here ». Russia continues prevent international investigators from entering the area. But the CNN analysis shows that the version of events is “very likely a fabrication”. And that “there is virtually no chance that the explosion was due to a Himars missile.”

The morning after the eruption, Andrey Lazarev, who works for the Russian Defense Ministry’s Sweda channel, emphasized the presence of one Plate with serial number and i fragments of a rocket Neatly arranged. In conditions that CNN defines as “fine despite a fire that charred the bodies.”

CNNs denunciation Russia bombed the prisoners of the Azov battalionCNN | The Himars serial number claimed by Russia went into the shed

However, the explosion in question is a lot smaller from what is normally produced by the Himars, as evidenced by satellite imagery. Below you can see the comparison. The first two photos show the Ukrainians attacking a warehouse in Nova Khakova, on the banks of the Nipro River in the Kherson region, with these rockets. While the second two are those in Olenivka “prison”.

1660215011 727 CNNs denunciation Russia bombed the prisoners of the Azov battalionCNN | The Nova Kakhova warehouse before and after being hit by a Himars missile

1660215012 482 CNNs denunciation Russia bombed the prisoners of the Azov battalionCNN | Olenivka prison after the explosion. Much less damage is detected.

Experts consulted by CNN confirm that the damage shown does not correspond to the force of the explosion caused by the Himars. Which would completely destroy a shed with thin walls and a metal roof like the one in question. “In the videos there is no crater. The beds have not moved, the pillars are intact. but There is major fire damage. If the Himars system had hit the area, you would see craters, shattered ceilings and walls, and bodies exploding,” explains weapons expert Chris Cobb Smith. He adds: “The damage appears to have been caused in large part by a major fire. Even the roof seems to be collapsed, rather than explode or be hit by the trajectory of a weapon or by the explosion ».

Contrasting versions

Several other experts have corroborated Cobb Smith’s version. Also note that it wouldn’t make sense to use the himars – who have a number of 70-80km for a target 15km away from the front. Also, a missile of this type would be clearly audible, but witnesses deny hearing them coming. According to experts, a violent fire has developed in the plant. “There are indications of extremely high temperatures inside the building. But apart from part of the tin roof there is no structural damage ».

1660215013 141 CNNs denunciation Russia bombed the prisoners of the Azov battalionCNN | The inside of the shed after the attack

The visible damage is more consistent with the Ukrainian version allegedly used by the Russians a thermobaric weapon. A type of device that sucks all the oxygen out of the surrounding air and generates a lot of heat quickly. The Russians have already used them during the course of the conflict. Although the Kiev version cannot be verified, Cobb Smith states that “the fire appears to have been immediate and widespread. So much so that the prisoners are still lying in their beds ».

The movements of the prisoners

Evidence shows that days before the event the Russiawhich Olenivka has controlled since mid-May, had begun Moving prisoners in the shed. It is not known why, but the facility was overcrowded. Transfers from “three barracks” were confirmed by listening to the officers of the Donetsk People’s Republic. There were over 200 people in prison. The wife of one inmate also confirmed the fact. Two days before the attack, Russia had transferred the members of the Azo regiment: “The very dangerous ones who tried to rebel.”

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