Coalition German traffic light government loses prime minister

Coalition – German traffic light government loses prime minister

A good 100 days into its work, the German traffic light coalition lost its prime minister. Family Minister Anne Spiegel (Greens) resigned on Monday. She was charged with a four-week family vacation shortly after the 2021 Ahr Valley flood disaster. At that time, as the Environment Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, she was also responsible for civil protection.

Shortly before resigning, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) had demonstratively placed himself behind Spiegel, with whom, according to a spokeswoman, he worked “closely and with confidence”. After resigning, he declared that he took Spiegel’s decision “with great respect”. “We will very soon – promptly – submit a proposal for the successor,” said Green’s co-boss Omid Nouripour.

The resignation of the minister of the Greens also intensifies the debate over other ministers in the SPD, Greens and FDP traffic-light coalition. In recent weeks, there has also been harsh criticism of Health Minister Karl Lauterbach and Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (both from the SPD). Lambrecht is accused of being too hesitant to export arms to Ukraine. Lauterbach has to justify the lack of vaccinations, the Infection Protection Act and the withdrawal of new quarantine regulations.

Spiegel has already had to answer to a commission of inquiry at the state parliament in Mainz for her work as environment minister of Rhineland-Palatinate during the flood disaster. But now the pressure on green politician Spiegel has grown significantly because in North Rhine-Westphalia Environment Minister Ursula Heinen-Esser (CDU) also had to resign because of holiday claims in the flood disaster. Heinen-Esser has given incorrect information several times. Spiegel also admitted Sunday night that, contrary to what Bild am Sonntag was told, she did not attend a cabinet meeting during the holiday period.

emotional statement

On Sunday night, Greens policy initially described his vacation as a mistake in a very emotional statement and apologized for it. Ten days after the devastating flood, the mother of four cited family reasons as the main reason for the holiday. Her husband suffered a stroke in 2019 and their four children did not have a good time with the corona pandemic. In addition, she has taken on many tasks within the Greens in Rhineland-Palatinate and in state government, Spiegel said. “It was a mistake that we also went on vacation for so long and went on vacation. I apologize for that mistake,” she added.

Both Chancellor Scholz and Green politicians were moved by Sunday night’s statement. The apparition affected the chancellor, he was personally very impressed, said a government spokeswoman. “In terms of cooperation, the chancellor appreciates his work,” she added. Economy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) also said that Spiegel’s press conference got under the skin. “I think everyone who saw it felt the same way.” You have the utmost respect for your courage and clarity, Green’s co-boss, Ricarda Lang, said Monday. “We respect this step,” FDP leader and finance minister Christian Lindner told the Rheinische Post after the resignation.

However, none of the Green Party leadership jumped on Spiegel on Sunday night. In coalition circles, parties were said to be nervous too because of the upcoming state elections in Schleswig-Holstein and especially North Rhine-Westphalia in May. The election also prompted NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) to insist that his minister Heinen-Esser resign.

Greens looking for a successor

The Greens must now nominate a successor to Spiegel to the Ministry of the Family. In view of the competition between the wings of the party, this is not considered easy. Spiegel represented the left wing. To maintain parity between men and women in the cabinet, the Greens would have to nominate a woman again. Otherwise, Scholz’s commitment that there are no fewer women than men in his cabinet is at risk. “It all depends on the Greens. There’s no interference in your questions,” Lindner said.

Scholz expressed his “great respect”. Deputy government spokeswoman Christiane Hoffmann said on Monday that the chancellor worked closely and confidently with Spiegel in the cabinet. “He wishes her all the best for the future after this difficult time.” (Reuters/dpa)