Cobra Kai is renewed for a sixth and final season

Cobra Kai is renewed for a sixth and final season; see farewell video

THE Netflix announced this Friday (20th) that the sixth season of Cobra Kai it will also be the last. In addition, the platform has prepared a kind of tribute in the form of a video for the production see above.

At the end of the preview, the platform reveals that the final year of the series is set to arrive soon, but without giving an official date or forecast.

The fifth year of Cobra Kai featured the dojo that gives the series its name, commanded by Terry cloth silver (Thomas Ian Griffith), which grows into a major martial arts franchise while MiyagiDo and Silver Fang students plot their next moves.

The production appeared on YouTube in 2018 but was bought by Netflix in 2020.

All five seasons are now available on the platform.

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