Codacons writes the letter with the 7 questions to Chiara

Codacons writes the letter with the 7 questions to Chiara Ferragni to Fabio Fazio

After the defeat before the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, which rejected the appeal against Chiara Ferragni's participation in Che tempo che fa, Codacons is trying to suggest to Fabio Fazio the questions he should ask the influencer. On the eve of the interview on the Sunday March 3 episode of Il Nove, Codacons sent a letter to the presenter indicating what Fazio should ask Ferragni. These are seven questions, ranging from the Balocco case to the allegations of bought followers. “We turn to the host with the certainty that he has already taken into account all the aspects related to the very delicate decision to invite a guest like Chiara Ferragni,” writes Codacons, “who today is at the center of a legal and media whirlwind, which requires caution and attention.” the role that a conductor has. Precisely to address the fears expressed by the judges of the Lazio Regional Administrative Court, we ask you to suggest some specific questions to Ms. Ferragni.”

The 7 Questions of Codacons

  • Is it true that the existence of followers that you have purchased cannot be ruled out in advance in your profiles?
  • Why did he restrict his profiles for a while to prevent freedom of comment and only read the positive ones?
  • Is it true that you asked to block the profile of a girl who criticized you? If yes why?
  • Is it true that in many moments and posts she has dressed her children in the Ferragni clothing lines that can be traced back to her? Do you think he was advertising back then?
  • Do you think that the contents of the cartridge in the Balocco Pandoro led the buyer to believe that the proceeds would go to sick children? Or can you rule out this possibility at all?
  • In an interview with Corriere della Sera, you argued that there would be a “copycat effect” if the charity provided was made public. Why then did he include in the contract with Balocco for the “Pink Christmas” Pandora the obligation not to communicate the news of the donation to the outside world in any way?
  • Why were the posts about Easter eggs, which were also sold for charity and were the focus of the prosecution’s investigation, deleted from his social media profiles immediately after the Balocco affair broke out?”
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