Cold War 2.0: Why North Korea is increasing tensions between China and the US

China accused the United States of escalating tensions on the Korean peninsula, undermining peace in the region and provoking a confrontation with North Korea. The statement came after Joe Biden said the Pyongyang regime would face its “end” if it used nuclear weapons.

“All parties should get to the heart of the peninsula issue [coreana] and play a constructive role in promoting a peaceful solution,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said.

reaction in the event of an attack. On Wednesday, during Yoon’s sixday state trip to the US, Biden and the South Korean leader made it clear that if North Korea’s isolated regime uses its nuclear arsenal to attack the South or the US, the response will be devastating.

The launch of a nuclear attack by North Korea against the United States or its allies […] would spell the end of North Korean rule.
yeah bide

At the meeting, the two leaders also signed a military cooperation agreement against North Korea, in which they pledged to significantly increase their defense cooperation in the face of stubborn Pyongyang missile tests.

The deal will allow a nucleararmed US submarine to dock with the Korean Peninsula for the first time in 40 years.

“Cold War Mentality”

This Thursday (27th), Beijing condemned the announcement that Washington is acting with a “Cold War mentality” and “in accordance with its own geopolitical interests.”

According to the Chinese spokeswoman, “the US is ignoring regional security and insisting on exploiting the peninsula’s problem to create tension.” In addition, “they provoke a confrontation between the camps and undermine the nuclear nonproliferation regime and the strategic interests of other countries”.

[As ações americanas] heighten tensions in the peninsula, undermine regional peace and stability and run counter to the goal of denuclearization of the peninsula.
hand Ning, spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry

China is North Korea’s most important strategic and trading partner, Country with which it shares a border more than 1,400 kilometers long.