Colleagues of Fred Pellerin the rural show business of Jeannot

Colleagues of Fred Pellerin: the rural show business of Jeannot Bournival

As a longtime collaborator of Fred Pellerin, Jeannot Bournival released his first solo album a few days ago, Overlooking the sea. For the 45-year-old musician, who also lives in Saint-Élie-de-Caxton, developing his solo career can be sluggish. “I’ll release my first solo album at 45 and tell myself I’ll break through at 50!”

• Also read: “The descent into business”: Fred Pellerin still so funny and touching

Like Fred Pellerin, Jeannot Bournival has his Saint-Élie tattooed on his heart. Recent negative articles about his village have hurt him, as the musician says that Saint-Élie “in a way has never been so good”.

The village lived its glory days thanks to the stories of Fred, and this effervescence allowed the settlement of small, well-respected businesses. “We have the best bread in the region in our village,” says Jeannot. This bakery now doesn’t need tourism to survive. But she needed it to start.”

This rural Saint-Élie is found throughout Jeannot’s album With a View of the Bitter. “It smells like maple syrup! he said laughing.

Having recently discovered short forms of writing (poems, short stories, plays), Jeannot Bournival began to write songs with which he identified more.

With his band Lavabo he tried a few more humorous experiments. But all that serious material he decided to put together on a solo album. From the fifteen coins he started with, he reduced the count to eight.

“I had other songs that were more about tradition. There were less personal issues, like with the Aborigines, but more committed things. I thought it wasn’t mixing well.”

to do things well

This first album aims to be a “call to goodwill,” says Jeannot, who mentions that he’s often encountered people’s bitterness in recent years.

Jeannot Bournival wants to take his time with this project and has no confirmed tour on the calendar.

“I’ve had a few requests that I’m holding a bit in limbo. I know this is totally anti-show business. Usually we release the album and use the promo to announce the tour. But I want to proceed slowly, prepare myself calmly. I often joke about rural show business. I want to do things well.”

Jeannot Bournival’s Album, Overlooking the seais available.