Colombia and Brazil join forces to defend the Amazon Season

Colombia and Brazil join forces to defend the Amazon Season 26

Details Posted by Cubadebate Published: Jul 9, 2023 Views: 48

Petro and Lula e1688839666749

The Presidents of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, and Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, met today at the National University of Leticia in Colombia’s Amazon Department to pool their efforts to defend the Amazon.

The leaders attended the Amazon Summit meeting in Leticia, which brought together more than 600 experts and environment ministers to discuss a sustainable development agenda for the region and look ahead to the Amazon Summit next month in Belém, Brazil.

The goal of the meeting is to make high-level political commitments to reverse the accelerated deterioration of the Amazon and to work towards its restoration to prevent it from being achieved. The point of no return.

The proposal under draft also aims to bring dignity to the populace by promoting an economy that regenerates the jungle.

The meeting brings together the environment ministers of Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela and aims to generate inputs and establish joint work and languages ​​leading up to the Amazon Summit in Bélem de Pará (Brazil) in August ). ).