Colombia will fully participate in FilVen 2023

Colombia will fully participate in FilVen 2023

This nation will be represented as a guest of honor in an 84 square meter pavilion with a bookstore that will contain around 1,500 copies of the titles.

He is also bringing an exhibition about La Vorágine to the Venezuelan Book Festival in the context of the 100th anniversary of the publication of this work by José Eustasio Rivera.

The Colombian program, which includes more than 50 events including lectures, conferences, concerts and workshops, will take place in various auditoriums across the exhibition grounds.

“In Praise of Hospitality” will be the motto that will frame Colombia’s presence and is the conceptual axis that celebrates the history of brotherhood and cultural rapprochement between both countries, the Foreign Ministry emphasized in a recent statement.

This motto recognizes that language and shared sensibility are bonds that can neither be defined by a law nor subject to a patriotic or territorial logic.

Against this background, the cultural program, the graphic line and the design of the Colombia Pavilion – Country of Honor – correspond to the understanding that hospitality is one of the basic requirements of human relationships and must prevail over the divisions it creates in the nation states.

He emphasized that three events will revolve around the culture of the Wayúu people, who live between the Guajira department in northern Colombia and the state of Zulia in northwestern Venezuela.

In one of the tables entitled “The Origin of the Wayúu-Palabrero”, the anthropologist Weidler Guerra and the poet Vito Apüshana will talk about the figure of the Palabrero, who acts as an intermediary between clans of ancestral peoples, and about the relationships between them Wayúu- culture and western culture.

In this edition of FilVen, several independent publishers and bookstores in the country will engage with their Venezuelan counterparts in professional and business contacts, where they will try to build collaborative and commercial bridges that contribute to the development of the publishing industry in both countries.

It is worth highlighting the presence of several indigenous authors, including Ángela Mavisoy, Estercilia Simanca, Fredy Chikangana, Vanessa Londoño and Juliana Muñoz Toro.

The cultural program also includes the presence of Colombian musicians, including the folkloric rap group from Palenque, Kombilesa Mí; the Yopal children’s choir Numerao de Palabra; the children’s rock group Tu Rockcito; and Carlos Rico, “The Own Cimarronero” from Arauca.
