Mali Army column slowly advances in Gao region

Colonel Alpha Yaya Sangaré, author of a book critical of the army, arrested

The officer was in the crosshairs of the Malian Defense Ministry, which criticized passages in his book “Mali: Challenge of Terrorism in Africa” that incriminated the army.

Published on: March 3, 2024 – 10:08 p.m

1 minute

With our regional correspondent, Serge Daniel

Colonel Apha Yaya Sangaré was arrested without a warrant at his home in Bamako. A military source explains: “He is a soldier, mandatory arrest is provided for in the texts. No warrant is required. » After the publication of his book “Mali: Challenge of Terrorism in Africa”, the Malian Ministry of Defense announced sanctions against the author.

Several passages in the work have actually caused great displeasure to the hierarchy. Citing in particular reports from international associations for the defense of human rights, the colonel writes: “Since 2016, the FDS [Forces de défense et de sécurité, NDLR] Attacks committed against people who are accused of belonging to terrorist groups. »

In his defense, people close to him explain that the book is actually largely a summary of his doctoral thesis. And as a precaution, he used the conditional form to report the comments to an organization like Human Rights Watch.

At the book signing, another colonel, Abdoulaye Maïga, minister of state and advertising friend of the author, sat in the front row. As soon as the controversy broke out, he distanced himself in a press release.