Comedians mother contradicts police statement Family dispute

Comedian’s mother contradicts police statement: “Family dispute”

Silvania Fernandes, mother of Filipe Pontes, went public this Monday (2/1) after this column exclusively revealed that her son was arrested on Saturday (31/12) after assaulting her. She denied the violence committed by the comedian, going against the information contained in the police report.

Silvania Fernandes said that the discussion was between Filipe and his younger brother. “Filipe came home upset, drunk and talking loudly and I asked him to speak quietly. Altered, he began to speak even louder. My other son woke up and tried to intervene and an argument ensued between the two brothers. I, afraid of a fight, came to the center to separate and was pushed. There was a fight in the house, an argument. The police were called, he was taken to the police station, a report was made to the police,” he said.

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Police were called after the comedian arrived drunk and assaulted his mother on Saturday morning (31/12).


Filipe Pontes was arrested after assaulting his own mother.

Advertising by Metropoles 1 PartnerPrintout of an interview with the comedian Filipe Pontes à GloboHumorist Filipe Pontes

Filipe Pontes Reproduction

smiling white man in black tshirt  metropolisFilipe Pontes

Filipe PontesPhoto: Instagram/Reproduction

Advertising by Metropoles 2 partnerskneeling man on stage with audience in the background  metropolisesPhilip Pontes 1

Filipe Pontes also performed standingPhoto: Instagram/Reproduction


“Filipe never hit me, I have nothing, he didn’t hit me at all. We had a family argument,” she said, adding that Filipe is now staying with friends.


According to the incident report recorded by Silvania herself, Filipe came home drunk and hung her up after an argument. He called her a “whore, slut, and similar words”. “The defendant grabbed her by the neck and hung her up,” explains the BO

According to the bulletin, Filipe’s brother, who was sleeping, woke up startled by the confusion and immobilized Pontes until military police arrived.


Also on Saturday, the judiciary granted Filipe Pontes provisional freedom, but the judge in the case issued precautionary measures, including a ban on approaching the mother within a minimum of 300 meters.

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