Common demand in France for Macron to withdraw immigration law

“Mr President, on the occasion of your television intervention, we solemnly call on you to make the only valid decision: you must renounce a law that represents an attack on the values ​​of our republic and, moreover, breaks it down.” “Your own majority will destroy the country “ says the text.

According to supporters of the initiative, the standard adopted yesterday after a consensus between the ruling party and the conservatives is the most regressive in decades as it entrenches nationalism and calls into question fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution.

The League of Human Rights, SOS-Racism, Friends of the Earth and Attac, Anvita and Right to housing.

Trade unions such as the General Confederation of Labor and the Unitary Trade Union Federation, as well as the main left-wing parties, the Insurgents, the Socialists, the Communists and the Environmentalists, also signed the demand.

In their appeal, they assured that they will not give up the fight and will resist arbitrary and inhumane decisions.

For his part, Macron defended the regulation on television, which he saw as a concession to the anti-immigrant positions of the right and the far right, with controversial restrictions that hinder family reunification, reintroduce the crime of illegal residence and limit the legalization of workers “without” documents “.

According to the president, the law is “the shield that the country has been missing” and has two goals: combating irregular immigration and better integrating foreigners through language learning and work.
