Companies with shares in TJ host a party for judges

Companies with shares in TJ host a party for judges from Ceará Check

“Unimed Fortaleza informs that the Associação Cearense de Magistrados has been a customer of the cooperative for over 30 years. As with other corporate customers, the operator provided for the company's event on December 16th. an ambulance available. There was no financial sponsorship,” says the text.

The judges paid nothing to join the party. In addition to the actual invitation, they were entitled to three additional invitations that they could distribute to friends and family. Amidst the luxurious setting, the President of the ACM, José Hercy Ponte de Alencar, delivered a passionate speech in defense of the rights of the judiciary.

“We will not waste a single minute for the judge of Ceará, whether it hurts or not. We will continue to fight for the Judge of Ceará to move from rock bottom to a dignified situation. The Court of Ceará needs.” Put your hand on your head, put your hand on your conscience, because the judges are at the limit and are giving their sweat, their blood and their work to the population. The Court of Ceará must do its part for all the judges who feel like they are at the bottom, at the bottom of the well,” he said into the microphone.

Before the party, the president of the association recorded a video for members in which he informed them that if they wanted to receive more invitations than the available quota, each additional ticket would cost 500 reais. He explained that although it was a large amount, it was subsidized by the association since the event was budgeted at R$600 per person. He also clarified that children up to 10 years old would not pay entry.

In the same video, Alencar reminded that it was an informal event: “Come in shorts, flipflops and flats. It's a very casual party, so everyone feels comfortable.” He also shared that guests can leave the vehicle at the party door and use valet parking to keep it safe.

Searched by UOLThe ACM press office did not disclose the total cost of the event, the party's sponsors or the number of guests in attendance. First, UOL was asked what “the angle of the matter, the intention” was. Then came the consultant's response: “Even given the possible content of the matter and because it was a private party without public resources, we preferred not to comment.”