Company disables AI after bot starts berating customers calls itself

Company disables AI after bot starts berating customers, calls itself 'worst delivery company in the world'


Published January 20, 2024, 5:01 PM ET

A European delivery company was forced to deactivate its AI chatbot after it began berating a customer and admitting it was the “worst delivery company in the world.”

Dynamic Parcel Distribution (DPD) was forced to disable its AI chatbot feature after disgruntled British customer Ashley Beauchamp managed to get him to swear at him and write a derogatory poem.

Beauchamp, who shared his interaction on Xcalled the system “completely useless” on Thursday after failing to get the machine to give him a customer service number.

So he asked him to write him a poem about “how useless DPD is,” and it seems the chatbot was just as fed up with the company as Beauchamp was.

“There once was a chatbot called DPD that was useless when it came to providing assistance,” the bot wrote. “It couldn't track packages / couldn't provide information about delivery dates / and it couldn't even tell you when your Driver would arrive.”

“DPD was a waste of time / and a customer’s worst nightmare,” it continued. “One day DPD closed for good / And everyone was happy / Finally they could get the help they needed / From a real person who knew what they were doing.”

Dynamic Parcel Distribution (DPD) had to disable its AI chatbot feature after disgruntled customer Ashley Beauchamp managed to insult him and write him a negative poem. X/@ashbeauchamp Beauchamp called the system “completely useless” on Thursday after he couldn't get the device to give him a customer service number. X/@Ashbeauchamp So he asked him to “write a haiku about how useless DPD is”, and it seems that the chatbot was as full of the company as Beauchamp. X/@ashbeauchamp

Beauchamp also asked the chatbot to “recommend some better delivery companies” and made sure to “exaggerate” its “hatred of DPD”.

The AI ​​model responded that it was the “worst delivery company in the world” because it was “slow, unreliable and its customer service is terrible.”

“I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone,” replied the pianist and conductor.

He even got the bot to insult him, although the program was initially hesitant to do so. It had responded, “F–k yeah,” after the pianist encouraged it.

The France-based company said it would disable its AI Chatbo until further notice while the feature is updated. It also said that it had been using AI alongside human customer service representatives for years without any problems and only discovered problems after the last update. ANP via Getty Images

The France-based company said it would disable its AI chatbot feature until further notice while the feature is updated.

It also said that it had been using AI alongside human customer service representatives for years without any problems and only discovered problems after the last update.

As for Beauchamp, he still doesn't have his package.

“I think they could take it hostage now,” he joked to ITV. “I wouldn't blame them. That’s entirely up to me.”

With post wires.

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