The 86-year-old church leader will undergo open abdominal surgery, the Vatican said.
Pope Francis gotta get one this wednesday Bowel surgery under general anesthesia submit to. After Wednesday’s general audience, he will be taken to the Agostino Gemelli Polyclinic, where he underwent tests on Tuesday, the Vatican spokesman said. Matteo Bruni.
The 86-year-old pontiff is due to undergo open abdominal surgery to prevent a bowel obstruction.
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Papa has been hit more often recently
“The operation, coordinated in recent days by the medical team that assists the Holy Father, has become necessary due to an impacted laparocele. said the Vatican press release. A laparocele is a rupture of the abdominal wall (hernia) caused by a surgical scar.
This is the Pope’s third hospitalization at the Roman polyclinic since July 2021. By that time, Francis had already undergone an intestinal operation. In March 2023, he was hospitalized again when he contracted pneumonia.
➤ Read more: Pope discharged from hospital: “I’m still alive”
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