Last name, first name, gender, home address, telephone number, date of birth, bank account number… Construction workers in Quebec have just been victims of a huge data breach, the Construction Commission of Quebec (CCQ) announced.
The confidentiality incident, first reported by La Presse, was the subject of a detailed statement from the CCQ.
The cybersecurity breach occurred last May. The CCQ claims it was informed on October 13 and became aware of the nature of the information involved 11 days later.
“On October 13, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) was informed by one of its suppliers that confidential data of the majority of MÉDIC Construction’s policyholders was the subject of a cybersecurity incident. “To manage and manage MÉDIC Construction insurance claims, the CCQ works with supplier GreenShield Canada (GSC),” it said.
“The latter uses the specialized MOVEit platform to ensure secure data transfer. However, the cybersecurity breach in question occurred last May as part of a well-documented incident affecting MOVEit and involving nearly 66 million people worldwide.
-More details to come…