Conversely, Lula wants to get Brazil to finance terrorist allies

Lula (PT) once again attacks Brazil's reputation and image in the world by announcing that he will increase the value of “donations” to the UN agency “for Palestinian refugees”, whose employees work in coordination with Hamas as Terrorists were caught. Even countries critical of Israel stopped payments to the organization known as UNRWA, and the UN fired some defendants. MP Alberto Fraga (PLDF) demanded details of the amounts Lula plans to transfer.

Play terror

Donations to UNRWA and NGOs in the Gaza Strip have the importance in the diplomatic world of financing Hamas's terrorist activities.

Hand in our pocket

The government is required by law to respond to requests like those from Congressman Alberto Fraga, but the regulation does not guarantee a quick response.

The shame of others

The PT MP's announcement caused great embarrassment among diplomats, who watched as the reputation of Brazil's foreign service plummeted.

Last to know

The Itamaraty of Decoration Minister Mauro Vieira, always the last to know, ignores the funds already sent and how much will come out of our pockets for Gaza.

Deputy Alberto Fraga (PLDF) Photo: Agência Câmara.

Limiting PF action in the legislature is an important agenda

The author of the proposal that subjects police actions in the legislature to prior authorization by Congress, Senator Jorge Seif (PLSC), believes it is an agenda “of common interest to the left and the right.” , since the goal is to “rebalance the forces”. Senators Márcio Bittar (UniãoAC), Marcos do Val (PodeES) and Damares Alves (RepDF) talk about the goal of preserving the prerogatives of the to strengthen Parliament.

Censorship, no

“We cannot accept the cancellation of our voice, the abuse of precautionary measures that prevent the parliamentarian from speaking,” Seif told the column.

Take a good look around…

When contacted, Lula's leader in the Senate, Randolfe Rodrigues (AP), did not say whether strengthening the parliament was supported by the PT government.


For Bittar, “future support for candidates for the presidency of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate must be subordinated to this agenda.”

Power without shame

Barking for votes

During Tancredo Neves' campaign for government of Minas Gerais in 1982, MP Ronan Tito reached out and asked what that number was. People responded with “Dog!” in reference to the animal game. “For Tancredo will be the dog that drives the thieves out of the Palácio da Liberdade!” he exclaimed. The dubious strategy worried Tancredo's friends, who had called a meeting on the issue. MP Hélio Garcia disagreed: “If you want to win the election, you have to bark…”

Temporary freedom

MP José Medeiros (PLMT) jokingly commented on the “hot news” of Carnival week in Brasília: “The news is that we are all free. No one has been arrested so far,” he told the column.

narrowminded ideology

Regarding former PT President José Genoino's proposal to boycott Jewish businesses, Israeli Ambassador Daniel Zonshine acknowledged in a statement to the column that there is a “problematic ideology” in Brazil that is ignorant of the reality of the conflicts in Brazil Middle East.

Diplomatic dwarf

The definition of Brazil as a “diplomatic dwarf” was greatly revived in the international community during the government of Dilma Rousseff (PT), throwing into the trash the reputation that Brazilian diplomacy had acquired.

Little Brazil

The expression that defines today's Brazil as a “diplomatic dwarf” was used by Senator Viana (PodeMG), President of the BrazilIsrael Parliamentary Group, in a forceful statement to this column.

Bolsonaro demands concentration

Former President Jair Bolsonaro insists his supporters will not take actions outside Av. Carrying out Paulista: “Do not carry out movements in other municipalities.” He wants to give priority to the event planned in the city of São Paulo.

Evidence of a dictatorship

For Senator Carlos Portinho (RJ), the PT's attempt to wipe out his PL party is authoritarianism: “The persecution of political parties is the most obvious sign of dictatorships. The rest is the bravery of the opponents.”

time goes by

10 years ago, Dilma launched another stage of PAC 2 in Teresina, where she pledged R$611 million for the city's 13.5 km VLT/metro. In 2023, a 2.5 km extension was announced for…R$9.4 million.


The longestserving Health Minister under the Bolsonaro government, Marcelo Queiroga (PL), officially announced that he is a precandidate for mayor of João Pessoa (PB). Bet on the influence of the former president.

Well thought…

…freedom of expression is at stake when words are measured when organizing a demonstration.