On Saturday, December 17, three Peruvian police officers disguised themselves as Santa Claus and his elves to arrest drug dealers who were staying in a Lima red-light district nicknamed “Chicago Chico.” Large quantities of cocaine and marijuana were seized.
At Christmas time, it’s hardly surprising to see elves and Santa Clauses roaming around, including in Chicago’s Chico, a sensitive Lima neighborhood where several criminal gangs rule. Several police officers therefore decided to swap their uniforms on Saturday to surprise drug dealers whose hiding place had been discovered earlier, says Le Parisien.
And this time, there was no need to go down the chimney, an assistant to Santa Claus, dressed all in red, used a ram to break down the front door and greeted the traffickers with a banal “Police! Another gesture.”
Prison as a Christmas present
Hallucinated, the criminals first believed in a joke, then handcuffed, they realized that they would spend Christmas in prison, and certainly more. In the end, three men and one woman were arrested.
The operation resulted in the seizure of 6,000 small packets of cocaine paste, 104 bags of cocaine and 279 bags of marijuana hidden in the home. A nice catch in a country plagued by drug production and trafficking.
VIDEO – Paul Hatte: “The people who come there come to buy drugs. The people who are there come to make the deal.”