Coronavirus the chaos of Shanghai in lockdown whistleblowers bartering and

Coronavirus, the chaos of Shanghai in lockdown: whistleblowers, bartering and oversized tips for drivers (sleeping on the street) And there is fear of Beijing’s contagion

TO shanghai people are not afraid of virusbut from positive found to i Test. “We are four, we are scared that divide us,” says a man who is locked in his apartment with his entire family. “You know what the ugliest thing is? there public humiliationthat is, the fact that on groups WeChat of the condo, neighbors are targeting those who have tested positive, putting pressure on the condo community to be shipped to the shelters as soon as possible. They are afraid”. This is the result of the measure, which is incomprehensible to many, after which i positive asymptomatic they are picked up and locked up in the socalled centralized structures, those buildings for congresses, sports facilities, even swimming pools where they are stored, with or without prefabricated cabins, generally without showers and with the recommendation to even bring toilet paper from home. On the one hand there are families who are afraid of the impending split; On the other hand, neighbors were equally terrified that it’s not known how the virus could circulate in the condo if someone catches it.

Block, inform and hit hard That authority of Shanghai justified the choice central quarantine also for the asymptomatic statement that the virus spreads mainly within families lockdown and then you have to break the chain of transmission within the family. Reduce cases quickly and get back to normal life as soon as possible. On the dock there are also the deliveries of contaminated food he facilities of ventilation of apartment buildings that could promote the spread of the virus by air, as well as other common structures, such as stairs, handrails. But if they are all blocked, how is it possible for the virus to be transmitted like this? On social media, Shanghai inmates denounced the unfortunate organization, for which frequently recurring tests are all conducted together downstairs in the courtyard. And then the authorities argue that we need to “break the chain of transmission.” So people are afraid and surrender report and to the public humiliation of the unfortunate positive, easily identifiable because the rumor is circulating on the WeChat groups used for communication Officer of the housing committee. On April 14 there was a half revolt in a municipality in the district pudong, because the authorities wanted to confiscate some buildings within the residential complex to convert them into quarantine centers. There was also news that they wanted to expropriate homes already occupied, news that is unconfirmed at the moment. The photos circulating on the internet show people who are being carried away security guards in white overalls, others lie on the floor, someone resists, others beg.

The 80yearolds who refuse to be vaccinated Today there are few who believe in it Public health measures inspired by science. That P factor, i.e. politics, is the dominant one. The Chinese authorities used their winner in a propaganda key AntiCovid Strategy of dynamic zeroing, ie isolating from outbreaks after the example of what was done a Wuhan Early 2020. The Chinese have lived immersed in the narrative of one for two years Happy China Island where people don’t die from Covid, unlike United States and Europe. All sacrosanct, but with the advent of omicron so an extremely viral, but nonlethal variant the continuation of the old recipe is the effort of Sisyphus. On April 15, they registered in Shanghai 23,000 new infections, of which nearly 20,000 are asymptomatic. The daily growth may have peaked after hitting 12 records in thirteen days (over 26,000 new cases were reported on April 14). However, the number of symptomatic patients hospitalized appears to be increasing: no deaths, but nine patients in condition criticism and they are all people between the ages of 70 and 93, with others pathologies In Progress. That the authorities communicated and underlined this fact is to be read as a form of psychological pressure against all the old people who have not yet been vaccinated. The data speaks for itself: you are exactly that over eighty, that is, the weakest age group that is least vaccinated. National, just over 50 percent of them completed the threedose cycle. The government justifies it zero tolerance Precisely because of the need to protect life, everyone else wonders why vaccination is not imposed on the elderly, while there are those who would not rule out the hypothesis of letting them die with a known opposing spirit filial piety of Confucian form.

Between gig economy and barter In Shanghai, shared flats commemorate the war of all against all Ballard Condo (but maybe the whole metropolis is a Ballard Condominium), there’s no shortage of forms of solidaritysuch as shopping groups in apartment blocks locked down to procure them basic needsCollective orders in the region’s supermarkets, as the large fastdelivery companies of the gig economy they work in fits and starts. A contact from, who coordinates various shopping groups in his condominium, tells us that it’s practically a job: he’s constantly tied to his smartphone to collect orders and forward them to the various points of sale in the area that sell them usually only accept in certain time windows. Both the other work, the real one, is stopped indefinite duration. It must be said that the exchange: diapers for potatoes, meat for toilet paper and so on. In the sign of “positive thinking”, encouraging stories appear, especially in the state media, such as that of Yang Yaosenready for extradition and a member of the district epidemic prevention and control committee, which would have spent about since the beginning of the Shanghai outbreak 70,000 yuan out of pocket (over 10,000 euros) to feed the needy. True story? NOT CORRECT? Certainly well thought out: theproletarian hero sacrificing himself for the common good reminds us of many precedents in Chinese epic.

The “Ritter” from 1,500 euros per day However, the finished deliveries are also in the crosshairs of criticism because they are also considered suspicious potential infectors, they should take advantage of it. On April 9th, with up to 60 deliveries, an “Intraurban Rider” (as they are called) arrives from the delivery company Shunfeng (SF) earned 10,067.75 yuan (US$1,900), which is usually about a month’s wages. Most of the income came from tips. In fact, it is estimated that he pocketed about 36.9 yuan in compensation due and 131 yuan in tips for each delivery. This story ties in with the anecdotes heard: being few left and having them monopoly this very scarce resource that is the mobility In the lockdown metropolis, deliveries are enjoying one in the current situation pension item that despite the strenuous shifts and the notorious work allows them to maximize profits. There are people locked in the house paying a tip to get this Cat to the vet or for other additional services that you normally do yourself. But there is another aspect. The same SF was happy to confirm the news (with screenshots) circulating on the net of the readytoship who made a lot of money. In fact, this news is pure gold for those gig economy companies (and technology in general) that have landed in the crosshairs of regulators for the last year and a half for expanding without rules. unfair competition and above all they exploit the workers without restraint Formula of 996 (from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 6 days a week). The message is: You just want to work there? Before envying or blaming the ontime delivery who earned his monthly salary in one day, know that the boy in question has been sleeping under the bridge for days. He decided to leave his shared apartment to avoid being locked in the house.

The speculation of private drivers Deliveries are a nuisance and a joy for the trapped people of Shanghai, as well as other workers. Circulate a vade mecum for those who want to leave Shanghai from Pudong Airport. Apart from the fact that you already have to have it flight ticket as well as to leave the green light of their shared apartment which is not too difficult, after all it makes you less to look after that private drivers who received it, it is not known how a permit for access to the airport is charged between 1,500 and 12,000 yuan (or 1,740 euros) these days, depending not only on personal greed but also on the time it will take, everything to do because before departure you must go for a test swab in some of the centers that are still open (estimated time from home to departure: 11 hours). The story of a refugee who walked 9 hours to the airport is also circulating. However, the most unpopular category is that of there that is, those in white hazmat suits the thousands of workers and volunteers who interact with the hermit population, providing services while exercising control: from communal workers to security forces, by the personnel conducting the tests. They are both Shanghainese and overseas volunteers, and nowadays we often read the comparison with that red guards and to the Cultural Revolution which is the worst of the worst in the collective imagination as they have the power to tell you what to do and what not to do in this dystopian spacetime.

Beijing fears It appeared briefly on WeChat before it was censored the phone call between a neighborhood committee worker and a named elder Yu, who complained about his scarce supply of food and medicine and said he was not allowed to go to the doctor despite a fever. The clerk first lost his temper, then apologized and said he felt helpless and rallied Yu’s solidarity. In the meantime a Beijing, someone starts stocking up on groceries after witnessing the chaos in Shanghai. In general, it is believed that a similar situation in the capital cannot be repeated, since since last fall the Safety measures They were much stiffer than in Shanghai and mostly because Omicron had already arrived by then Winter Olympics, but appears to have managed to contain it by isolating individual residential communities (at the moment some are on lockdown, but life is flowing normally in the rest of the city). However, there is no certainty. Better fill them out refrigerator.