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Costa Rica and Spain strengthen transplant program

San Jose, November 28 (Prensa Latina) A Spanish delegation of specialists in organ donation and transplantation is visiting Costa Rica starting today to exchange knowledge in these disciplines, official sources reported today.

After being welcomed by the Minister of Health, Mary Munive, the group will visit several institutions to meet and exchange ideas with Costa Rican colleagues in charge of the liver, kidney and corneal transplant programs.

A statement from the Health Authority recalls that since 2016, the project to strengthen the Executive Technical Secretariat for Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation has been carried out with the support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation in

Costa Rica and the technical collaboration of the National Transplantation Organization of Spain, a world leader in this field of donation and transplantation.

In this sense, the visit represents an opportunity to strengthen institutional, organizational, technical and sectoral capacities on this matter, the note said.

The aim of the mission is to provide a diagnosis of the current situation that identifies the main weak points and points of improvement in liver, kidney and corneal transplant processes.

The specialists will visit the Calderón Guardia Hospital, the Mexico Hospital, the National Children’s Hospital, the Eye Bank and the Eye Clinic.

With this visit we have many expectations and the idea is to strengthen the knowledge of the professionals involved in the donation and transplantation processes and to identify the main weaknesses and points of improvement in the kidney, liver and cornea transplantation processes.

“On behalf of the Ministry of Health, we warmly welcome these experts and thank them especially for the work they have done,” emphasized Munive, also Vice President of the Republic.
