Costa Rica has the most expensive fuels in its history

Costa Rica has the most expensive fuels in its history

The new increase, approved by the Public Services Regulatory Authority (Aresep), was published the previous day in the official newspaper La Gaceta, for which it came into force this Thursday from 00:00 local time.

According to Aresep’s assumptions, the liter of super petrol will increase by 87 colones (approx. 13 cents), normal by 85 colones (12 cents) and diesel by 121 colones (18 cents).

In this way, a liter of Super costs from 822 to 909 colones (from 1.27 to 1.40 dollars), that of Normal from 804 to 889 colones (from 1.24 to 1.36 dollars) and that of Diesel from 724 to 845 colones (from 1.12 to 1.12 dollars). $1.30).

Likewise, the gas bottle for cooking costs from 10,226 to 11,230 colones (from 15.73 to 17.27 dollars).

This despite the strong opposition from the most diverse sectors to this increase, which will imply cascading growth in the values ​​of products and consumer goods, as well as public transport.

To cushion the blow, the government submitted a bill to the Legislative Assembly two weeks ago, which lawmakers approved in the first debate this Wednesday.

They then forwarded the replacement text to the Red Cross, municipalities, the National Roads Council, the Departments of Agriculture and Livestock and Finance, among others.

Upon his return, the legislative proposal would be approved in plenary and signed by President Carlos Alvarado to become official.

The legislative initiative passed envisages reducing the uniform fuel tax by around 40 percent, relieving the burden on public transport concessionaires and agriculture for six months and freezing any increase in this tax for 12 months.

Finally, she asks the Costa Rican oil refinery, once the project is approved, to adjust the fuel price no later than three days later.
