Couple drown their newborn baby over fears of finding methamphetamine

Couple drown their newborn baby over fears of finding methamphetamine in their blood

Brandon Thomas31 years old and Taylor Blaha24, were arrested by the city police Fort dodgein the state of Iowa after it was discovered they both drowned their newborn daughter in a bathtub to prevent authorities from finding methamphetamine in her blood and stripping custody of their eldest son.

According to an affidavit in the case, authorities received a call on November 22 from a worker at the Iowa Department of Human Serviceswho stated that it was Blaha who admitted to having given birth at home on November 16th.

The couple were charged with the first-degree felony. Photo: WHO 13

According to the report, the woman asked her partner for methamphetamines to relieve her pain after the birth of their daughter, whom they named Kayleen Lee. Both had decided months ago to give the baby to Blaha’s sister for adoption.

However, given the newborn’s constant screams, those now accused feared their neighbors would come to hear them and might contact the police. Then they both put the newborn in a half-full bathtub and drowned him to death.

The couple already had a 2-year-old son. Photo; The Herald of Mexico

After that, it was Thoma who placed the baby’s body in a storage container, wrapped it in several plastic bags and set off to bury him in a rural area. Text messages exchanged between the two suggested it. Authorities are still searching for the grave as nothing has been found at the address given by the man.

Also, based on your internet history, both had researched how to force a miscarriage. The woman reportedly admitted to a detective that the two tried to cause the loss but were unsuccessful.

Thoma and Blaha are being held on bail at the Webster County Jail. The minor’s parents are charged with first-degree murder.