Court orders Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Correa to pay millions

Court orders Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Correa to pay millions in debts within three days; Know the values ​​

Ana Hickman Alexandre Correa

This Wednesday (13), the Court of São Paulo ordered Ana Hickmann and Alexandre Correa to pay a debt of R$ 1.6 million to Banco Bradesco within three days of the summons. The lawsuit registered with the TJSP, which relates to bank contracts, states that the payment must be made under threat of confiscation of the former couple's assets.

The appropriate order and assessment will be made by a court officer if payments are not made within the specified time period. If at least 30% of the total amount is paid out, Ana and Alexandre can pay in six installments, plus interest and monetary correction. You must also pay the procedural costs and legal fees amounting to 10%.

In documents obtained by g1, Bradesco mentions that “in 2023 alone, loans totaling more than R$28 million were taken, including properties registered with a fiduciary guarantee of sale.” In this way, the institution comes into possession of the assets and can confiscate it until the debt is paid off.

Last month, the Leo Dias portal had already reported on the details of the case. In the lawsuit, the bank initially requests payment of R$ 1,156,822.07, the amount updated on November 23, 2023. The debt came from a loan of R$ 1,150,000 that Alexandre and Ana requested on April 28, 2023. 2023. You would have committed to paying in 36 monthly installments. The first would be on May 29 this year and the last on April 24, 2026. However, the last installment was paid in August, leaving the installments open from September to November.

Ana Hickmann filed for divorce from Alexandre Correa (Photo: Reproduction/Instagram)

Hickmann and Correa are facing a major financial crisis, which was revealed after the November 11 clash between them. In total, their debts would amount to R$40 million, according to Notícias da TV. In the latest allegations, the presenter accused the businessman of embezzling around R$25 million from the couple's business accounts since 2018 and forging her signature on checks and several loan agreements.

In addition to the already known debts, a financial company from Tatuí (SP) has now filed a lawsuit in court demanding debts of R$ 1.7 million for a loan of R$ 1.5 million taken in September 2022 . The creditor also claims that the family has debts of more than R$ 11 million and for this reason has asked that Ana's villa be used as security.

However, the court rejected the request, according to the decision published on Tuesday (12). Judge Ana Laura Correa Rodrigues stated that “there is no evidence of the defendants’ insolvency or of maneuvers to conceal assets.” “The evidence presented does not allow for an assessment of the risk of adversely affecting the final outcome of the executive action. The appeal was not allowed,” the judge said. Find out more by clicking here.