Court ruling the German government must do more for climate

Court ruling: the German government must do more for climate protection

According to a decision by the Higher Administrative Court of Berlin-Brandenburg, the German federal government must decide on additional emergency measures to eliminate greenhouse gases from traffic and buildings.

The court ruled this on Thursday following complaints from Deutsche Umwelthilfe and the environmental association BUND. Allowed review.

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Ministries did not act

The associations went to court because, in their opinion, the responsible ministries did not act appropriately when the permitted amount of greenhouse gases was exceeded in both sectors.

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In the current climate law there is a requirement in paragraph 8 that the responsible ministry must counter this situation with an immediate program if the permitted amount of greenhouse gases for a sector is exceeded in a year.

The Climate Protection Act requires that greenhouse gases be reduced by 65% ​​by 2030, compared to 1990. A good 40% reduction was achieved last year.

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