1648442393 COVID 19 Among Us and Low Risk Perceptions Audio

COVID-19 Among Us and Low Risk Perceptions (+ Audio)

In the past 14 days, Cuba has seen a surge in new diagnoses, which is why Politburo member of the party’s Central Committee and Prime Minister of the Republic, Manuel Marrero Cruz, urged that each territory comply with the protocols.

It is recognized by expressions of opinion that risk perception is decreasing, and there are also some criteria – said the head of government – that associate this behavior with authorities at all levels paying more attention to other socio-economic activities and not confrontation. Marrero Cruz stressed that large-scale activities should not be carried out in the provinces with the most complex epidemiological situation.

This Saturday at the meeting of the government’s temporary group to combat the pandemic, chaired by the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Party and President of the Republic, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, together with Vice President Salvador Valdés Mesa, the statistical behavior was evaluated using the data dated Minister of Public Health, José Ángel Portal Miranda, analyzed the information offered.

The highest incidence of the disease, the headline says, is concentrated in Sancti Spíritus, Ciego de Ávila, Mayabeque, Holguín, Las Tunas and Matanzas.

COVID-19 among us and there is a low risk perception

All areas presented their epidemiological situation via video conference, and the governors of Mayabeque and Ciego de Ávila specified the measures implemented there to contain COVID-19.

The Cuban President used the contact to draw attention to the behavior of the Avilan province, which for 5 days has maintained figures of more than 100 cases and the warnings based on the reports from Camagüey, and also insisted again on the need doing this dose amplification for the people who are still missing.

Regarding vaccinations, Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz tasked municipal health authorities with coordinating to solve an issue affecting children as young as 2 years old.

In the polyclinics, a vaccine bottle of 10 doses will not be opened until there are 10 children in that health area to receive the immunogen. Time begins to tick and they are children exposed to unnecessary risk. There is a need, he said, for health system coordination to focus children from different areas or locations. Similar measures should also be taken for young people who have reached the age of 18 and who should already be receiving the booster vaccination.

In the last 14 days, Cuba reports 10,035 infections from COVID-19 and 21 patients in serious condition and 6 in critical condition are being treated in intensive care.